2017 tax filings will soon be coming due.
Filings submitted after this date may incur penalties and fees for a late filing. Of course, it’s always smartest to have your taxes prepared and filed as early as possible in the event there’s any issues—or simply to get the stress off your back. Filing earlier reduces the chance of someone filing a fraudulent return before you—a headache no one wants to deal with.
Since January 31st is the cut-off date for receiving W-2s, the earliest you can file is February 1st. If you have investments, you’ll likely receive 1099-DIV and 1099-INT forms sometime in mid-February to early March.
If you are self-employed, you should have received 1099-MISC forms from each required party by January 31st. If so, we can get started on your filings immediately.
Due dates for filing your taxes and the deadline for submitting your tax information to me is as follows:
Taxes: | Due Date: | Deadline for Submitting Your Information to Me: |
Individual | 4/17/18 | 3/15/18 |
Partnership | 4/17/18 | 3/15/18 |
S-Corp | 3/15/18 | 2/15/18 |
Note that if you are filing S-Corp taxes, the deadline for submitting your information to me is less than two weeks away in order to guarantee your taxes will be filed on time.
While the IRS permits extensions for filing, I do not recommend making use of extensions except in specific circumstances, and as such, require all information be submitted by the above deadlines.
TL;DR: You need to get moving on your taxes, the sooner the better. If you are still looking for an Accountant, schedule a meeting with me here.