
Try Our S-Corp vs. PLLC
Tax Calculator for Therapists

Maximize your savings with our S-Corp Tax Calculator tailored for therapists.

Could your therapy practice benefit from electing an S-Corp for tax purposes?

Are you a therapist looking to optimize your tax strategy? Discover the advantages of electing an S-Corp status tailored to your practice's financial needs. Maximize your savings and streamline your financial processes, allowing you more time to focus on growing your business.

How Much Money Could Your Therapy Practice Save?

Vector 3 (2) (1)
What's your estimated yearly net income for the business?
Estimated yearly income
$0 $50,000 $100,000
What is the salary you would pay yourself as S Corporation?
The salary would pay yourself
$0 $0 $0
As a sole proprietor
Self Employment Taxes paid $0 as a Sole Proprietor
Taxes paid
As a Corporation
with a salary of $0 and a distribution of $0
Taxes paid
Total Savings

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Vector 3 (2) (1)

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